Pregnostic® comprises a brand new Women’s Health product line developed by IQ Products. These products have a strong emphasis on pregnancy-related disorders. To expand this portfolio further, the current research activities of IQ Products revolve around the development of novel Women’s Health products. With the help of national and international research groups IQ Products is linking hypothesises to data, resulting in patented applications in this prenatal field. Highly promising biomarkers have been found suitable for the risk assessment of pre-eclampsia and GDM during early pregnancy. These have already been patented, while our current research is set to unearth relevant markers for the risk assessment of pregnancy related hypertension intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) and premature birth.

This project is financially supported by Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland and the Province of Groningen through a VIA2018PLUS grant part of the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRO).