Gestational Hypertension
Gestational hypertension is characterized by elevated blood pressure that typically starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy and resolves after delivery. It is one of the most common disorders during pregnancy and affects 10-15% of all pregnancies. During this period of hypertension there is no excess protein in the urine or other signs of organ damage in contrast to pre-eclampsia. Some of these women with gestational hypertension eventually do develop pre-eclampsia. Those women that already had a high blood pressure before their pregnancy (chronic hypertension) often already take drugs to keep their blood pressure under control. They have to consult their physician as soon as they are aware of the fact that they are pregnant. Treatment of pregnancy related hypertension is depending on the cause of the hypertension and key is to make sure that the blood pressure remains under control. Frequent monitoring is the way to keep a close watch on the condition.
Risk Factors for gestational hypertension:
- Obesity
- Maternal age (>35 years)
- (family) history of pre-eclampsia
- Kintiraki E, et al. Pregnancy-induced hypertension Hormones (Athens). 2015 Apr-Jun;14(2):211-23 (PMID: 26158653)
- Lo JO, et al. Hypertensive disease of pregnancy and maternal mortality. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Apr;25(2):124-32 (PMID: 23403779)